Monday 30 May 2016

Animals dictionary

In this week we have been doing a animal dictionary in pairs for kids, we have chosen this topic because we thought that was a good topic to show and to learn more about it. First we have done in google drive a presentation and decorated to be more attractive for kids, later we have uploaded to "Calameo" to put it in a different format, similar to a book.
Here you have a link to see what we have done!


Thursday 19 May 2016

Summary of the answers of my questionnaire

Survey about travelling, sport and music.

76’9% of students that are answering this questionnaire are boys, and 23’1% of them are girls. Most of the people are between 15-16 years old and the majority of them like reggae music, exactly 76'9%, they spend 3-4 hours a day listening to music.
The songs they like best are: hello, geldiezinak, acab, faded, tomasa... Only three of them  don't have a favourite song.

Plenty of the students say that they listen to music to relax, also they like practising sport but few of them don't like watching them on TV. Some of them like practising football, others like basketball and few of them like another sport which is not on the answers.

The majority of the students practise sport because they like it. Six of the students started to do sport when they were between 4-6 years, five of them started when they were between 9-11. Lots of them have been injured practising sport.

A significant part of the interviewees like travelling, ten of them like travelling by plane and three of by car. All of the students wanted to visit a different place some of them are: Hawaii, Chicago, Los Angeles,Cancun... And the cities they would like to visit again are: Madrid, London, Sahara, Stockholm...

To finish with the furthest place they have been are: Suiza, PeƱiscola, nether land, alicante, Denmark...

Monday 9 May 2016


I have been doing a questionnaire this week about travelling, sport and music.  I have used "Google forms" to make it.

Monday 2 May 2016

Interview to Channing Tatum

This is an interview that I have done to Channing Tatum, I have chosen him because I like the films he had done and I think he is a very good actor.

Maider: Where are you from?  
 Channing: I am from CullmanAlabama but I spent most of my teenage years in the Tampa area.
Maider:How old are you?  
Channing: I was born in  26 April 1980, so I am 35 years old.
Maider: Where were you born? 
Channing: I was born in Cullman and I spent my first years there. 
Maider:How old were you when people started to know about you?
Channing: I started my actress career in 2004. But before I stayed like a dancer and model in Miami.

Maider: Are you married? 
Channing: Yes I am, I asked to my girlfriend jenna to married with me on 2008 and we get married on 2009.

Maider:How many prizes did you win?
Channing: Yes, I have won seven prizes between 2006 and 2016. In 2006 I won the Special Jury Prize, in 2008 the Choice movie: drama, and another Choice movie drama but it was shared with step up. in 2010 I won the Choice movie actor with a adventure film. In 2012 Choice movie actor with a comedy film. In 2015 Best Comedic Performance and this year I have won the favourite movie actor.

Maider: Where are you living now? 
Channing: I moved to Wetumpka and then to Mississippi when I was 6 years old.  
Maider: Have you got any child?

Channing: Yes I have a child whose name is Everly Tatum. She was born on 31 May, 2013.
Maider: Did you finish your studies?
Channing: No he had a athletic scholarship but later he lost the interest and he leave his studies. 
Maider: Which was the first time you appeared on television? 
Channing: The first time I appeared on television was in a series called CSI Miami on 2004 in the episode of "Pro Per"

(This interview is not real, is a work that I had to do at school and some things are invented).