Friday 30 October 2015

Social websites

     In this article I will speak about social websites, I will give you my opinion about this topic. These websites have a lot of advantages and disadvantages too, I will take some of them to speak about.
      To start with the advantages, in these websites you can share a lot of  things when you want , see what the others are doing , what they have shared , you can stay chatting with a friend, in the street or where you want , and also you can distract watching the things that others have published. With this, we can see that people need these websites and that they are using every day, but this also have the negative part or the disadvantages that are, anybody can take and do what they want with the things you have published , they can see when is the last time you have been using that social site , anybody can take your personal information , and the worst thing
is that they can control what you are doing or what you have been
doing during the day.
Speaking about friends, you can make friends that you didn't know , or you have never see she/he near you, the difference between a real friend and a friend you make in one of these websites , is that you know how your real friend is , but with the people you know from these cites you only know what she/he only wants to publish you.
     In these social websites , you can only put your name and surname , you can leave without putting where you live , how old are you and many other things. If  I could speak I would make two suggestions to the sites owners, one will be don't to leave to be public and the other thing , to make something that doesn't leave to take information , images or  any other thing from other people.

Friday 2 October 2015


This article will be about travelling around the world, I will speak about cities I like from Italy or near. It is a typical country which has a lot of tourism, you can see a lot of people that they live far from it, but they came to visit because they have heard that it is very beautiful, old and that all the people who go there return very happy. I will speak about Monaco Pompey and Rome because they were the most beautiful ones for me.

     Firstly I will speak about Monaco, it is near the Mediterranean sea but it isn't Italy, you can see that the most things that are there, are very expensive, you can see a lot of different cars which are very beautiful, and you can't see in many other cities. The most famous things from there are the casino that is a very big building and that helps in the economy, because most of the tourist visit it, and the other thing I have seen there and I like from it was the highway of formula 1 that also is a very important thing there, most of the people go to Monaco to see it.

     Secondly, Pompey is the other city I have chosen, it is old but beautiful too. It has been the city of the old Rome. It has ruins and you can go to see them, you can see the bodies of the people who died there because of a very big eruption, they got covered by the magma and if you go there you can see that, also, if you have a guide you can listen how they lived at that moment and many things which are interesting about it.

    The last city I have chosen to speak about is Rome, it is the capital of Italy, I suppose that it is the most important city in Italy, which has the most part of the tourism. If you go there you can see a lot of people visiting it, the coliseum is the most important thing there, it is old and it was used about 500 years for gladiators fights , the last games of the history... It is damaged because of earthquakes and stonemasons but it is interesting to see. You can see more things but the most touristic and most visited thing is the Coliseum.

     To finish with I thing that the three cities I have chosen are very interesting and beautiful too.
I recommend to go there because of things that I have told you before and also to eat the typical food of Italy, the most typical ones are the pizza and the pasta and I think that you can find that food anywhere or in any restaurant from there.